Monthly Archives: February 2015

Weekly Devotional 3-2-15 How Does One Avoid Spiritual Complacency

Weekly Devotional 3-2-15
How Does One Avoid Spiritual Complacency

The Born Again Christian has been taken out of spiritual darkness and endowed with spiritual insight (spiritual light). He has been given God’s Spirit who is his light to dwell within him, and he has the Word of God. Besides these blessings, he also has Christian brothers and sisters to encourage him in his walk. How then, is it that such a blessed person can fall into spiritual complacency? I was asked that question recently at a men’s fellowship breakfast after reading the devotional “A Christian Cannot Be Complacent” to the group. (You can find this devotional at

Deferring to others at the gathering and what they thought about this question, there was a wide range of answers given. Some proffered that concerns for family might lead to spiritual complacency. Others proffered that earning a living might be a cause. While others suggested that the hubbub of life with all of its complexities might be a cause. We all agreed that each of these things have a certain degree of merit, but as we discussed these reasons we came to the conclusion that they are the outworking of something more sinister. That is, of having lost our first love for God. We concluded that when such things take precedence in one’s life the door is open to spiritual complacency.

Certainly a Christian should be concerned for his family, with making a living, and being actively engaged in the affairs of life. Each of these things is good, but when placed ahead of God, these will cause a breakdown in his fellowship with God. The end result of this breakdown is spiritual complacency. Did God not say “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3)? Yes, He did, but for what reason? Because when we place other things ahead of God, these things ultimately become our god. That is, we find ourselves serving whatever that god might be; be it family, livelihood, or life’s necessary endeavors. We begin seeing these things as more important than a close relationship with God, which in the end breeds spiritual complacency.

The only way to avoid falling into the trap of spiritual complacency is to be in the Word daily, in prayer often, and giving God preeminence over all things.
Transforming Power; The work of God on Behalf of Man

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