Monthly Archives: July 2015

Weekly Devotional 8-3-15 Isn’t it Interesting

Weekly Devotional 8-3-15 Isn’t it Interesting?

Isn’t it interesting how many people today are turning away from the pursuit of Christian ethics following rather after the vain philosophies of man rather than seeking God’s face? Everyone seems to be doing that which is right in his own eyes. Unregenerate man’s moral compass is broken and with a lack of true direction he marches into chaos. The professing church also has adopted man’s philosophies, discounting the clear direction God has given it. Unfortunately, much of the possessing church is following this same path.

God has given man a compass that is not broken, and if followed it would lead man to the only destination that ends positively. However, unregenerate man willfully does not consult that compass (the Bible, also known as the Word of God) and follows rather after the thoughts of his own mind or the mind of others. Minds, believed or not, that are subject to the powers of darkness. These powers are set against God and influence persons to follow after the imaginations of their own mind, but the problem with that is, no two persons have the same mind. Each pursues that which mostly benefits themselves over others. Such thinking of course broadens to the societies of man and no matter how hard unity is sought; divisions arise, followed by animosities, then strife and then separation. God gave man a direction, and if followed all of the animosities, strife and separation would be avoided. Why? Because said direction comes from the only perfect mind, a mind that seeks to benefit all others.

Much of the professing church today, if it truly believes in God at all, holds God as being impersonal and not involved in the affairs of man. Having this philosophy is not much different than unregenerate man’s philosophy. This philosophy sets its own conduct of life.
We of the possessing church must avoid such a direction and hold fast to God’s Word. It does not change with the times or with the attitudes of mankind. God Himself is the standard of His notions and He is perfect. No imperfection is part of who He is, not in the past, presently or ever will be.

Dear God may your Spirit hold sway in our lives, we who are truly your children. Keep us from digressing from the path you have set for us, that of glorifying you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Transforming Power, the Work of God on Behalf of Man

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