Weekly Devotional 4-20-20 Does God Work That Way-Conclusion

Weekly Devotional 4-20-20

Does God Work That Way, Conclusion

Even though God ultimately controls the affairs of the world it should not be claimed (as some do) that He directly causes all things, i.e. hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, accidents, disease, birth defects etc. He may in fact cause some of these things at various times, for reasons only known to Him, but who can emphatically claim that God caused this or that, or did this or that? In our latest devotional we suggested that birth defects, disease and even death are a result of God’s cursing the earth and the lessening of  the ozone layer that surrounds the earth when the canopy that surrounded the earth was opened and the earth was deluged with rain for 40 days and 40 nights. This opened the door to ultraviolet rays which affects/ affected the molecular structure of the cells of all living matter.  The world-wide deluge of rain also changed the topography of the earth resulting in a constant shifting of earths tectonic plates which caused/causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The formation of mountains, valleys, and the pooling of large bodies of water (oceans) affected/affects wind movements and temperature changes hence storms of various magnitudes. These may be indirect causes of God but not necessarily direct cases, who can rightly say?

One thing is definite, God is at work in all things to bring about His intended purpose. If one grand of sand was not under His sovereign authority, He could not be God, for that one grand of sand would be superior to Him. However, He is sovereign and ultimately rules in both the temporal kingdom (the kingdom of this fallen world) and the spiritual kingdom of heaven. As to the temporal kingdom of this world we read from Daniel 2:21 that God controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings. He sets time limits on their kingdom and He takes their kingdoms away. He does this by allowing man to follow the dictates of his fallen nature giving them a certain amount of latitude.  As He is at work in the temporal kingdom of this world He is also at work in the parallel spiritual kingdom of heaven. As to the kingdoms of this world one only has to consider the unredeemed citizens of Nineveh and How God caused the reluctant Jonah to bring God’s message to them. How He raised up Esther to preserve Israel when evil Haman sought its annihilation. And, He sent His Spirit into the world of fallen man to convince and convict them of sin and regenerate many to newness of spiritual life. As to the kingdom of heaven God adds to its populace via the preaching of the gospel, and the work of the Holy Spirit. We read from the book of Acts that God added to the church daily (Acts 2:47). He continues that work today.  

Once regenerated to new spiritual life the Holy Spirit continually works in the believer’s life conforming him, or her into the image of Jesus Christ, God the Son, (Romans 8:28-30).

For sure then, God doesn’t directly cause all things that happens but certainly He is engaged both in the world of the non-Christian and in the world of the Christian. I pray that this entire series titled “Does God Work That Way’ has blessed you in some way or another.



Transforming power; The Work of God on Behalf of Man

Oscar Leske / The Signs of our Times.com

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