Monthly Archives: April 2016

Weekly Devotional 4-25-16 Transforming Power

Weekly Devotional 4-25-16 Transforming Power

A few years ago my wife and I began a ministry titled “The Transforming Power of God on Behalf of Man”; not knowing where we would be led. But, out of this work we have come to understand that God is actively engaged in transforming lives around the earth. Let me explain. We have a website “” that is listed with and Facebook. We post a weekly devotional on these sites as well as at These devotionals are now being read by hundreds; by people of different cultures, languages, and religious backgrounds. We receive feedback from many of these folks telling of their ministries and it is through these feedbacks that we have come to know that God truly is not dead. Lives are being transformed.

Through our page on “” we learn of ministries that are truly engaged in serving the Lord and what He is doing through these ministries; Ministries in India, Indonesia, the Philippians, Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma), Africa and here in the United States just to name a few. Many of those who respond from these foreign countries post pictures of their ministries and what is being done. Our hearts are melted, as they should be, when we see gatherings of people setting under these ministries as the Word of Lord is presented to them. Many of these groups are of small children who have little more than nothing, but have smiles on their faces that could light a room. When their smiling faces are contrasted with the tear stained faces of many children who have no hope we are appraised what God can and does accomplish in the lives of those who are introduced to Him.

Moreover, many of those who read and respond to the devotionals we post are young men or women who are in Bible College, in Seminary, or who have graduated and are now engaged in ministry. Often they post pictures of their ministries and again our hearts are moved. There is just no way to adequately convey in writing the hardships or the difficulties that many of these young servants of our Lord face. Many times we receive pictures of them traveling rutted roads to outlying areas where pavement does not exist. Reaching their destination we see buildings with no sides, holes in the roofs or in other stages of disrepair with no adequate seating and so on. Sometimes it takes many hours, if not days, to reach these areas. Yet, every once in a while we are informed that someone from one of these areas has come to a saving knowledge of the Lord, whose life was transformed; one who was provided a path to further education in a Bible School and then answered a call to ministry of one sort or another.

Considering this, pause for a minute and think about God’s hand in all of this. First, He called and regenerated (brought to spiritual life) the person who goes to an area. Secondly, He afforded him a biblical education. Third, He created in his heart a desire to serve Him. Fourth, He created a spiritual desire in the heart of another one who lives in a remote area. Fifth, He regenerated this person. Sixth, He put in the heart of this person a desire to educate himself spiritually. Seventh, He afforded him the means to that education. Eighth, He put in the heart of this person a desire to serve Him in whatever manner. Surely all of these things were the result of the transforming power of God. He is duplicating these same things over and over again. God is not dead as some would claim. He may be dead to some, but He is not dead.

What God will eventually do during the last seven years of this present dispensation, He is now actively doing. We read from the Book of the Revelation chapter 7:9; 13-15 “9After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands…. 13Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?” 14And I said to him, “Sir, you know.” So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them” (NKJV).

During the first 3 ½ years of that coming seven year period God will save 144,000 Jews who will witness of Him. Through their witness an innumerable amount of people will come to put their trust in the Lord. This is similar to what God is doing today. He is saving some (regenerating some to new spiritual life) and then reproducing them spiritually as they and we witness to others. This is the Transforming Power of God.
Transforming Power; The Work of God on Behalf of Man
Evangelical Free Church www.efreebible

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