The Bible foretells may prophetic signs that would culminate in the end times. Jesus indicated these signs would arise together as His return drew near (Matthew 24:33-34). Though many of these end times Bible prophecies won’t climax until the Tribulation period, our generation is the first to see every trend in place. As the final days of this age tick away, these end times events will come into even clearer focus. Keep in mind as you read through this posting that most of these prophecies were penned 1900 to 3500 years ago.

Last week, in our introduction to part one, we covered 11 prophetic signs unique to our generation dealing specifically with the nation Israel. Many of the ancient prophecies pertaining to Israel have been completely fulfilled in the past 75 years and others seem to be in an early stage of fulfilment. So, today, let us continue with the rest of these biblical signs of our times that could not have happened in any other generation, except for our generation. Now is the season of Christ’s return. So, just as you know a storm is coming when you see dark clouds on the horizon, these signs listed below will alert you that Christ’s coming is near.


  1. An increase in Travel and Knowledge.Approximately 2500 years ago, an angel told the prophet Daniel to seal the book and keep his visions secret until a later date. What later date? The angel said, Until the end times, when many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4).” In other words, a significant increase in travel and knowledge will mark the end times and the time just prior to the Second Coming of Christ Jesus. Have we seen such an increase? I think the answer is obvious. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, few individuals travelled beyond their own communities. For all of human history right up until the early 20th century, the fastest mode of land-based transportation was a horse. Yet today, we can travel to the other side of the earth in a matter of hours. For example, my dad who was born in 1890 and died at age 85, witnessed and experienced unprecedented technological advancements. His life started with horse and carriage and progressed to automobiles, planes, and since then, civilization going from the “nuclear age” to the “space-age” and the ability to put a man on the moon. Unbelievable, but all of this happened in my dad’s lifetime. How wonderful it is for the Bible to predict over 2500 years ago the very conditions that we are seeing fulfilled today. Today we are in the age of travel. Many are running to and fro today and prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Someone has said, “The world today is literally a human race on wheels.”


As far as knowledge increasing just look at the millions or billions of young people worldwide with college and university education today. Then in the last hundred or so years there came major advancements in the field of communication systems such as the telegraph, radio, phone, television, and now handheld computers (smartphones). Deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allow news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time ever. As for an increase in knowledge, think about how much information is on the Internet. In 1990, there was only one website. Six years later, the internet featured more than 100,000 websites. And a decade later? One hundred million. Today, estimates place the number of websites at somewhere around six hundred million. It has been said that with the advent of the internet, our cumulative knowledge is doubling every 4 to 5 years. Yes, Daniel’s prophecy has certainly come to pass because knowledge has increased and spread via technological communications to the point that the present time has been aptly called the “Information Age.”


  1. The Rise of a United Europe. The Bible repeatedly states a revised version of the Roman Empire will ascend to power in the end times (Dan. 2, 7; Rev. 17). This will be the final world empire before Jesus returns. Do we see this empire today? No. Not yet. Do we see an alliance of strong and weak nations in the area of the old Roman Empire? Absolutely! It’s called the European Union and its entire purpose is to collectively strengthen the member nations through alliance; just as the statue’s iron and clay feet and toes would attempt to strengthen themselves through intermarriage.” (Daniel 2:43)


As of this writing, the European Union contains the world’s fourth, fifth, and sixth largest economies (Germany, the United Kingdom, and France) but it also contains the world’s 103rd, 112th, and 136th largest economies (Estonia, Iceland, and Malta). Individually, no EU nation is a world power. Together, the combined nations of the EU are one of the world’s leading economic powers. And this is precisely the type of arrangement the Bible says will exist in the time just prior to Christ’s return.


  1. The Gospel Preached Throughout the World then the end would come(Matt. 24:14). In answering His disciple’s question regarding the end of the age, Jesus described many signs to look for. Among them, He said this, And the Gospel will be preached throughout the entire world, so that every nation will hear it and then the end will come.” Think we’re getting close to that day now? I do. Today, portions or all of the Bible have been translated into over 2400 languages and dialects covering over 90% of the world’s population. Satellites broadcast Christian programs throughout the world. And every day, missionaries carry the Gospel to people who have never heard it before.


Unfortunately, while this sign is all around us, most people don’t see it as a sign. They don’t think the global reach of Christ’s message is a big deal. But think about it. The promise to see the Gospel preached throughout the world was made by a Jewish carpenter with some fishermen as followers nearly 2000 years ago. That’s a bold proclamation, and its fulfillment is something the world takes for granted. Even after 1500 years, the message of Jesus was largely confined to the European continent. But today, the Gospel message is preached in every nation including Muslim countries via radio satellite or towers and by the internet. Today these people can hear God’s word in the safety of their own home without being persecuted.


  1. Mark of the Beast technology. The central piece of the end time world political puzzle is now in place for the first time. Scripture tells us that the final generation would be open to receiving a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and would not be able to buy or sell without it (Rev. 13:16). Here is another famous prophecy that is dependent on modern technology where the end time ruler, the Antichrist, will control the world’s economy by requiring people to bear his mark or name on their hand or forehead to buy or sell anything. Again, how could this be possible before the invention of laser and computer technology? And today, for the first time in history, global tracking and marking technology is available for such an event to occur. However, 1900 years ago when this prophecy was made shows us that only God knows the future and that we are living in the end times.


A few years back one company in Sweden voluntarily piloted a program that bears eerie similarities to those apocalyptic predictions in the book of Revelation. Employees of BioNyfiken are able to unlock doors, excess their printing accounts, and pay for lunch with a simple wave of their hand, as scanners read the chip implanted within and identified the user associated with it.


How close are we to Christ’s prophesied 666, Mark of the Beast? It is virtually here today. All you have to do is look at China. Currently, China has almost its entire population of 1.4 billion people scanned into their facial recognition database. Technology allows China to create a system (social credit score) of absolute tyranny over people through tracking, identification, permitting or denying access to services or facilities, facilitating buying and selling, complying with the payment of taxes and fees, and even validating the right of a person to participate in society (such as driving a vehicle, using transportation services, opening a bank account, obtaining a loan, or holding a job). This is what a functioning tyranny based on technology looks like. This scoring system is creating the ultimate authoritarian power.


As the rise of this type of technology develops worldwide, there will be no true freedom or liberty anywhere. No one will be able to remain incognito or go about their lives in privacy. The government surveillance web will capture every person through GPS tracking, facial recognition, video monitoring, and their use of digital signatures as they purchase goods and services.

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, and the final electronic ID system using the Mark of the Beast. This electronic tyranny of technology that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final chapter of history taking place in our day, we can know for certain that the end times are upon us, and the Coming of Christ is drawing near.


  1. Israel with an exceedingly great army. In his Valley of the Dry Bones” vision(where God breathes new life back into the Jewish people), the prophet Isaiah saw the Jewish people come to life and stand up as an exceedingly great army (Ezekiel 37:10).” Zachariah repeated this promise, speaking of a day when Israel is like a fire among sheaves of grain, burning up the neighboring nations (Zechariah 12:6). In fact, he claims even the weakest soldier among them will be like David (Zech. 12:8). Do we see this today? We sure do.


What are the odds of Israel winning four conventional wars in 25 years? Israel barely cracks the top 100 nations in terms of population, but its military consistently ranks among the most powerful in the world. The whole country is less than 13,000 square miles (approximately the size of New Jersey). That’s less than 1/10 of 1% of the land mass of the surrounding nations that wish to destroy her. Does this sound like a recipe for “an exceedingly great army”? Yet, that’s exactly what the Israeli Defense Force is. Surrounded on all sides this brand-new nation, that didn’t even have a formal military, emerged victorious in a multi-front war in 1948. Against all odds, this small Israeli army of less than 40,000, who were outnumbered and outgunned, defeated the huge Arab coalition of some 100,000 men and their superior modern-day weapons: more than twice the size of the Israeli army. Were they really that good or did God play a hand in their victory? Then again, with Syria, Jordan, and Egypt preparing for war, the Israelis struck pre-emptively in 1967. The result? They achieved overwhelming victory in just six days.


And what does the Bible say about the timing of Israel’s emergence as a world military power? When does it say Israel will have an exceedingly great army?” You guessed it. The Bible’s says, when God’s people are regathered in the land just before the Messiah returns (Ezekiel 12, 36, 37).” When the Jewish people have been brought back from the nations where they were scattered and given the land of Israel by God Himself (Ezekiel 11:17).” This only happened in our generation.


  1. Mankind would be capable of destroying all life(Matt. 24:21-22). Consider that when Jesus made this prophecy 2000 years ago, the armaments of His day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to virtually wipe out all flesh on planet earth. Speaking of the end-time Tribulation period Jesus said conditions will worsen to the point that human survival will be at stake! It will be a time of great distress [tribulation], such as there has never been since the beginning of the world until this time, and will never be again. If that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short (Matthew 24:21-22).” This prophecy could not have been fulfilled by any previous generation because it is clearly stated that the Tribulation period will be ended by the Second Coming of Christ (v. 27).


  1. The use of nuclear weapons anticipated(Zech. 14:12). The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims just as God warned 2500 years ago. Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.” This was unimaginable in Zechariah’s day and here today it is common knowledge.


  1. Global communications foreseen(Rev. 11:9-10). The invention of the television and the deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allows news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time ever. Remember in my dad’s day, before the turn of the 20th century, news travelled at the speed of horseback or train.


  1. Apostasy – False Bible teachers and false prophets(2 Peter 2:1-2, 3). False Bible teachers would bring in heresies, have many followers, and cause others to reject God’s Word. It is very common today to find people who reject the Bible out of hand because they have heard it misrepresented by a false teacher. We also have these false prophets who are smooth talkers and money hungry. A growing number of TV evangelists epitomize this. They twist the Scriptures, using misleading words, to prey on the unwary. Apostasy is a very important sign of the end times.


  1. In the end times Israel would have a peace treaty in place that the Antichrist would confirm and eventually break(Dan. 9:27). Currently the world’s governments are striving for an Israeli peace treaty with no success but in the Tribulation period the Antichrist will make a peace treaty with Israel then 3 ½ years later he will break this treaty and go against Israel.


  1. Damascus would be destroyed(Isa. 17:1, 14; Jer. 49:23-27; Amos 1:3-5; Zach. 9:1-8). Damascus, Syria is increasingly in the news and is extremely anti-Semitic. God declares that they will become a ruinous heap. Prophecy fulfilment still in the future.


  1. Chaotic weather would be prevalent(Luke 21:25-26). Chaotic weather would increase in both intensity and frequency. Of course, chaotic weather is not new, but there are indications that we are witnessing an increase in strange weather. Just in the last 10-15 years alone there has been many disasters described as biblical 100-year type events, be they floods around the world, tornadoes, fires, rain bursts, landslides, storms, etc. I read that scientists expect more 1000-year events like the 2016 Louisiana flood. Some areas received over 2 feet of rain in three days.


  1. There would be a move towards a global government(Dan. 2:40- 44, 7:23; Rev. 13:7-8). The former Roman Empire which encompassed present day Europe would revive and eventually dominate the world. The European Union has steadily moved forward in its attempt to unite Europe politically and economically. It has succeeded in creating a European Parliament, a court, and a common currency. Globalization is not only unique to Europe, but also happening everywhere. I counted 23 key United Nation agencies and over 205 international organizations worldwide.Everywhere we turn, globalism is being talked about and touted as the only answer to mankind’s problems. Over the past 40 years global elites and some of the planets most powerful business leaders, government officials, and activists would meet once a year to discuss and announce plans to develop a “Great Reset” of the entire world – their agenda for 2030 is pure Marxism “You will own nothing and be happy.” It appears that globalists are working overtime in an attempt to somehow implement a global tax upon the citizens of the world so that the UN can have an increased revenue source and gain jurisdiction over citizens of the world and what would be a major step towards global governance. Globalism is coming, faster than most may realize. Clearly the world is on the path to global rule.
  2. A global economic system would exist(Rev. 13:16-17). This was unthinkable in the apostle John’s day nearly 2000 years ago. Yet today globalists in every level of government are seeking to unite the world. Connecting the world monetarily is crucial to their goal.


  1. A man would control all banking and commerce(Rev. 13:16-18). Remember, this prophecy was penned 2000 years before our computer driven society. Yet, until recently, you couldn’t have even dreamed how a person could control all commerce, but this is exactly what happens when the Antichrist comes on the scene to dominate world commerce during the Tribulation.


  1. Asia (the kings from the East) would be capable of deploying a 200 million man army just prior to the Battle of Armageddon(Rev. 9:14-16; 16:12). Bear in mind, when John penned this prophecy 2000 years ago, there were only an estimated 170 to 400 million people on the entire planet. Yet today, according to the CIA, China alone has 280 million men fit for military service. This prophecy could only happen in our generation.


  1. There would be a move towards a one world religion(Rev. 13:8, 12; Rev. 17). Today, as never before, we are witnessing religions joining hands in the name of peace and tolerance as we have never seen before in any other generation. There has been much work done to reunite the world’s religions. The first attempt at global dialogue of faith was held in 1893. Roman Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Theosophists and others prayed together in dialogue for 17 days. The event was celebrated by another conference on its centennial in 1993. This led to a new series of conferences under the official title “Parliament of the World’s Religions.” It held meetings in 1999, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2014 and since then on a yearly basis. The Bible clearly teaches that after the rapture there will be a worldwide apostate church in the tribulation that will be promoted by the end time dictator, the Antichrist, and the false religious leader known as the “False Prophet.” What Scripture reveals to us concerning this apostate religion is simply that it will be a continuation of the old idolatrous Babylonian religion with its headquarters in Rome.


  1. God’s Two Witnesses in the end times watched by all peoples of the world(Rev. 11). These two great witnesses of God will preach in the city of Jerusalem during the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. Then, in the middle of that terrible period, the Antichrist will kill them. We are told that their dead bodies would lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days and that all the people of the world will look upon them. How could that be possible 2000 years ago? Prior to 1957 there was just no way that all the people of the world could look upon two dead bodies in the streets of Jerusalem. That all changed on October 4, 1957, when the Russians sent the first Sputnik satellite into space. Once again, modern technology has made an ancient prophecy understandable for the first time.




  1. The Convergence of End Times Signs. That’s right. The number one sign is not a single sign, but the convergence of all the signs Jesus, Moses, and the Old Testament prophets said to look for. Jesus said, When you see all these things occur, look up. For your salvation is near(Luke 21:28).” Note that Jesus didn’t say, “when you see one or two of the signs,” He said, When you see all these signs.” In other words, the convergence of all the signs Jesus spoke of is what we should be looking for when determining the times of the end.


The convergence of so many specific and detailed events that Jesus told us to look for, should command the attention of even the most hardened skeptics. Why? Because for more than 1900 years following Christ’s crucifixion, the signs were noticeably absent. But today we see them all around us. For the first time ever, each of the signs is present, that was not available to any other generation before us. And at the same time! Think that’s a coincidence? I don’t. It’s not a coincidence. And time will prove it’s not. Jesus is coming as prophesied. Now is the season of His return.


There are many more end time prophecies, in fact, I had a hard time deciding which ones I wanted to include from a list of over 100. However, these end time signs demonstrate that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Only God can know the future. Only our generation has witnessed the coming together of everyone of these events. God’s clock is ticking. I believe those individuals born after 1967, when Israel re-captured Jerusalem, are the final generation just before Christ’s return.




After reviewing the prophecies listed above, I don’t think we need any handwriting on the wall to indicate to us that we are living in a unique age. Historical developments and technological inventions are making it possible for us to understand many end time prophecies for the first time. The bottom line my friends is that Jesus is coming back soon.


Prophecy sets God’s word apart from all other literature. The world is full of the records of man looking back and recording what happened in the past. But only the Bible is full of the records of God writing the events of history before they take place. Prophecy is history pre-written. By most accounts the Bible is approximately 26% predictive prophecy by volume. It’s the proof God gives us to verify that He is who He claims to be and no one else is. Prophecy is God’s way of authenticating Himself for us, because only someone who exists outside the restrictions of time can describe events before they’ve taken place with 100% accuracy. Contrast the Bible’s 100% track record with other self-proclaimed prophetic sources and there is no comparison.


Dr. Hugh Ross (science-faith think tank) writes that there are approximately 2500 prophecies in the Bible pertaining to cities, nations, empires, events, and individuals that can be verified in the historical record. He says about 80% of which have already been fulfilled to the letter with no errors. This is particularly astounding when according to scholars there are no prophecies, not one, in the writings of Buddha, Confucius or the Muslim Koran. Why is that? Only a supernatural God would be capable of knowing and revealing the future with 100% accuracy, time after time, in hundreds and hundreds of instances. That’s exactly what the Bible does and that’s precisely why the Bible is trustworthy. There simply is no logical way to explain the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible other than by divine origin. Man cannot predict the future; only God can.



>Oscar Leske
F/B – Signs Of Our Times

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